AIARE Level 1: This is a 3 day course designed introduce and utilize the AIARE Framework as part of Decision Making in Avalanche Terrain.
Course Objectives:The objective of the AIARE 1 is to learn how to recognize risk in avalanche terrain. This three-day course provides an introduction to using the AIARE Framework to manage risk while traveling in avalanche terrain. By end of the three-day course, participants should be able to repeat the process using AIARE Fieldbooks, understand the limitation of their new skills, and make appropriately conservative decisions.A forward link is made to a future AIARE Level 2 course for lifelong learning.
Student learning outcomes.
At the end of the Level One course the student should be able to:
- Plan and prepare for travel in avalanche terrain.
- Recognize avalanche terrain.
- Describe a basic framework for making decisions in avalanche terrain.
- Learn and apply effective companion rescue.

Instructional sessions (24 hours including both class and field instruction) :Introduction to the Avalanche Phenomena
Types and characteristics of avalanches
- Avalanche motion
- Size classification
The mountain snowpack: an introduction to metamorphism and layering

Observations and Information Gathering
- Field observation techniques
- Bonding tests: rutschblock, compression test, etc.
- Observation checklist
- Avalanche danger scale
- Trip Planning and Preparation
- Avalanche terrain recognition, assessment, and selection
- Route finding and travel techniques
- Decision making and Human Factors
- Companion Rescue and Equipment
Student Prerequisites:
Students must be able to travel in avalanche terrain. There are no other prerequisites.Required equipment for all avalanche courses: Equipment List
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